Overview Quick Post about a latest finding of an Issue when using NetScaler as OAuth IdP (doesn’t matter with which SP) and there is the need of sending some User-Attributes to the SP. Update –
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It's all about EUC
Overview Quick Post about a latest finding of an Issue when using NetScaler as OAuth IdP (doesn’t matter with which SP) and there is the need of sending some User-Attributes to the SP. Update –
Continue readingOverview You’re using Microsoft Entra ID (SAML or OAuth) as IdP for your OnPrem CVAD or DaaS Environment. Your default is to use Citrix FAS so the User-Logon to the VDA happens with a virtual
Continue readingOverview Private Access, a Feature of Microsoft Entra’s Global Secure Access Suite, is a simple but powerful Security Service Edge (SSE) network solution for providing secure access to your Cloud / OnPrem Apps without VPN,
Continue readingOverview In a latest SSLVPN Project with NetScaler and the Windows Secure Access Client (formerly Citrix Gateway Plugin) we had some problems with the rollout of the client via SCCM. Especially when there is a
Continue readingOverview Recently my namesake Julian wrote a great Post about choosing the correct Machine Identity in a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure – which is very important. This post will cover the other Hand – choosing the
Continue readingOverview What’s better than having no MFA? A cost neutral (Assumed you’re using advanced license as a minimum) and easy to use MFA method where the Enduser hasn’t to deploy or register anything. Let’s checkout
Continue readingOverview This post will give you informations and the needed configuration for publishing a Microsoft ADFS (As it’s still not dead in the wild!) with NetScaler and using AAA for Authentication with SSO to the
Continue readingOverview A customer of mine recently came across a way to sign in to Cloud Workspace with any other user, provided you sign up before with some valid credentials – for example your own. The
Continue readingOverview When configuring Citrix Gateway as a SSLVPN with assigned Intranet IP-Pools (IIP), it’s not possible to use more than one active session from the same user on a different device, per default. There is
Continue readingOverview This is a Quickpost about a desired architecture with Citrix DaaS, where a NetScaler is acting as OAuth IdP (DaaS Workspace Authentication is set to Citrix Gateway or Adaptive Authentication) and is acting as
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